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RELG 108 Monotheistic Religions


Welcome to the course libguide for REL 108 Monotheistic Religions.  In  this guide you will find library resources and reputable web sites on the three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Directions to guide you through developing a topic and finding sources for you paper are also posted.  Please contact Ms. Clark, Librarian for should you have any questions.

Developing your paper topic

Read broadly based sources such as encyclopedia articles for topic ideas that catch your interest.  Be sure to make note of important terms and ideas.  These will help you conduct more effective searches of library databases and the web.  Check the bibliography at the end of the article for authors and titles of other relevant sources.

Check out these encylopedias:

Finding Books

Look for books after you have a preliminary topic from reading encyclopedia articles.    Use the side bar to limit to recent print and ebooks.

Finding Articles

Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles are narrowly focused.  Our new discovery service will find books, library database articles, and select internet resources from one search box.  Use the sidebar to limit your results.