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EDFO 325 Global Citizenship

Finding Burman Library Books

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Search Strategies

Use Boolean Operators to Focus Your Search
  • and:  limits results to sources containing both terms.  Example: poverty and adolescents.
  • or: broadens results to items containing either one or both terms.  Example: teenagers or adolescents
  • not: excludes a term from the search results. Example: hockey not shinney
  • parentheses (): groups words together and controls the order in which terms will be searched Example:poverty and (teenagers or adolescents
Use Subject Headings and Keywords Strategically
Keywords Subject Headings
May occur anywhere in the text or record.

Found in the pre-determined list of terms that describe items in the


Generally works well for initial searching.  Check 

relevant headings for subject headings.

Use later in the search process to focus results more precisely

to the topic.

Often results in many irrelevant results

More relevant results because the subject headings are

assigned to describe the contents of item./

Getting Print and Ebooks from NEOS LIbraries